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If you haven't already done so, please read the Bakersfield section on the Camera Towns page.

City of Bakersfield Documents

Samples of Fake and Real Tickets

Part of Bakersfield Documents Page, Set # 15

New July 23, 2005

Fake / Snitch Ticket

(If you haven't already done so, please read the Fake Ticket section on the Your Ticket page.)

Here is a sample Snitch Ticket, from the City's website* where their innocent-sounding explanation is:

"If more information is needed to process the original citation a Traffic Violation Notice is sent to the registered owner, who then completes the information and mails the form back to Redflex Traffic Systems who processes the new information."

I have modified the Notice (Snitch Ticket!) slightly, by adding a motorist's name.

Please note that while this Snitch Ticket calls itself a "Notice to Appear" (look in the fine print of the so-called "Certificate of Mailing" at the bottom of the front page), that does not convert it into a real ticket.  A real ticket must contain a Notice to Appear section, printed in the official format.

Please also note that beginning Jan. 1, 2013, the front and back of every California town's Snitch Tickets is supposed to carry the heading, "Courtesy Notice - This is Not a Ticket," and the format is supposed to be like the example shown in the Snitch Ticket section near the top of the Your Ticket page.

Front of Fake/Snitch Ticket:

Back of Fake/Snitch Ticket:

*To find this on the PD's website, type in www . b p d i n s i d e r . u s , click on "View Previous Issues," click on the July/August 2005 issue, click on "Questions & Answers," click on "How do red light cameras work?" and click on "Traffic Violation Notice."

Real Ticket

Here is the City's example of a real ticket, also from their website where they called it a "citation."  This form for a real ticket says "
NOTICE TO APPEAR," tells you to "respond to the court," and gives the name and address of that court - things you will not find on a Fake Ticket.

Front of real ticket (with highlighting added):

Back of real ticket:
