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LA Metro / MTA Docs Set # 6:  Blank Out Signs

It may be possible to completely ignore a Metro ticket.
1.  If you received a real ticket (with the Court's name and address), you may be able to ignore it as the LA County Superior Court does not report ignored red light camera tickets to the DMV.  See:  "Countywide Information" on the LA County Documents page.
2.  If your "ticket" does not have the Superior Court's name and address on it, it is a fake ticket, which I call a "Snitch Ticket."  For more details about Snitch Tickets, see the Snitch Ticket section at the top of the Your Ticket page.

If your ticket is for a right turn from Canoga Avenue, please be sure to contact me.

Examples of Blank Out Signs in Use

These photos were taken along Metro's Expo Line in West LA, in April 2015.

Blank Out signs at Buckingham and Expo Line,
                    West LA

Blank Out signs at Farmdale and Expo Line, West

Blank Out signs at Hauser and Expo Line, West

Blank Out signs at Arlington and Expo
                    Line, West LA

Blank Out signs at Degnan and Expo Line,
                    West LA