7-5-16 Lower Court
Decision on Too-Short Yellow - Jonathan B
(with 18 Other Defendants) These nineteen defendants got
their cases dismissed, because the yellow was not in
compliance with the MUTCD requirements as revised in
Nov. 2014 and effective Aug. 1, 2015 - see Expanded
version of Defect # 2. There was no detailed
written decision. This was not an appellate case. Because
it is not an appellate case, this decision cannot
be cited as precedent in California courts, except
maybe before the same judge who decided it.
But there is nothing stopping defendants elsewhere
from using the same arguments used here, or from
citing the same published cases cited in the
motion, opposition, and reply. These materials may be
freely copied and distributed, so long as credit is given
to .
Many other cases and /or transcripts are available - see the Index to Transcripts, Briefs, and Court Decisions. Click on these links for the documents in the Jonathan B case (these are in chronological order): 6-8-16: Defendants' Motion to Dismiss 6-23-16: People's Opposition 6-28-16: Defendants' Reply to Opposition 6-29-16: Trial, all cases dismissed Also see the Los Alamitos Docs page and the Expanded version of Defect # 2 on the Home page. --------------------------------- |