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If you haven't already done so, please read the Yucaipa section on the Camera Towns page.

Yucaipa Documents

Some of Yucaipa's tickets can possibly be ignored.  If your "ticket" does not have the Superior Court's name and address on it, it is what I call a "Snitch Ticket."  For more details, see the Snitch Ticket section on the Your Ticket page.

Yucaipa Docs Set # 1
Ticket Counts

Ticket Counts, Apr. - Jul. 2009

These official reports were provided by the City under the California Public Records Act.

In these reports, Total Violations represents all incidents recorded by the cameras, and Notices Printed represents the sum of genuine citations issued (those filed with the court) plus any Nominations mailed (not filed with the court, a.k.a. Snitch Tickets).

Yucaipa Docs Set # 2
"Late Time" Graphs

The City provided bar graphs of Late Times, etcetera.
These graphs track violations recorded, not tickets issued.
Where there is a large number of long Late Time violations in a curb lane, it is believed to indicate heavy ticketing on right turns.
(The curb lane will be the lane with the highest lane number.)

Grand Terrace late times bar chart
The picture above is an example from another city.


Bar graphs are available for more than fifty other cities - see the list in the expanded version of Defect # 9.

Yucaipa Docs Set # 3
The Contract, Etc.

2007 Request for Proposal, Proposal (portion), Contract, Staff Report
2008 Contract Amendment
2009 Termination
